Sunday, May 29, 2005


For the sake of public safety, I feel that I should point out that I am, once again, posting drunk.

That is all.

And yet more...

Click for non-width-mutilated.

Saturday, May 28, 2005


Click the image for decent-sized

Needed to get this one out of my head...

I make no claim to have taken the original photographs.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

More imageness.

Click for big due to size fascism of saney's design.
(Old ink drawing scanned, printed out, coloured and rescanned. Didn't work as well as I'd hoped, although the ink does turn out to be waterproof)

EDIT: Fixed - the original one's just killed my ripway bandwidth for the day, though.

Dear me, I am being generous today.

Cthulhu vs Superman Painting Finished!

After reading the Grant Morrison interview about All-Star Superman where he mentioned Cthulhu and Superman representing some sort of unsolvable equation of icons (because Superman always wins, but Cthulhu is ineluctable and inoxerable), I started thinking about this image as, well, an image. The two ideas are so opposite in nature and fictional environment that together they're almost a sort of Yin-Yang construction. Especially considering the fact that they're both aliens that have fallen to Earth at some unspecified time in the past.
Therefore, with out further ado...

Click the image for Squamous Immensity!

Monday, May 16, 2005


Government set to push through ID card legislation.

As opposed to ranting about this, as you've no doubt come to expect, I'm going to throw this one open - what do you reckon we can actually do about it? Personally, I say mass demonstration while burning the bloody things very obviously, but as they'll cost about £30 there are many who won't dare. Come on, comment away...we don't bite.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Your daily dose of Headsick and Hatred.

It's like Orwell's Two Minute Hate, only with a point.


And this should make you laugh, and this should make you cheer.

(Thanks to Laura for the links.)

Some real posts will be coming soon, just as soon as I've finished the Jenny Everywhere story I'm working on.

Furthermore, if you're in the Stokenchurch area tonight, get your arse down to Studley Green Community Centre to see myself, saney, Talyn and others perform as The And The Horse You Rode In Ons. Turn up around seven, tickets are four pounds on the door. Bring a bottle, or preferably many bottles.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

If you're not already knowing of the greatness that is Mike Mignola

Go and have a look at this, and try to ignore the crappy flash ruination of some wonderful art.

If you're reading this....'d better have either just come back from voting, or are just about to go out to do so. If not, I'm going to come to your house and cut you.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Pre-Election Post

Because ~X~ has failed to do our election coverage, I'm knocking up a quick election guide. As you might have guessed, we've got a bit of a bias towards the old Lib Dems around these parts. However, we're dedicated to providing an unbiased service* to our lovely readers, we've cunningly gathered up** all the manifestoes for your reading pleasure.

*this is what's commonly known as "a lie".
**leeched from the bbc website.







Furthermore, actually voting is actually rather important this time: Mr. Blair has stated that he'll let the public decide whether or not he lied over Iraq or not, effectively converting any vote for Labour into a tacit approval for his policy of setting fire to small sandy countries for no appreciable reason. Furthermore, there's not much point voting for Mr. Howard, as he's managed to make himself look even more war-hungry than the Prime Minister by saying that he'd have gone to war even if he'd known that there were no WMDs there. And, I hasten to add, condemned the minimum wage as a "dangerous" measure before its introduction. UKIP co-founder Nigel Farage is on record as saying that "We never expected the nig-nogs to vote for us", and I can't actually be bothered to spend any more time on the loony nationalist shites, so I'll just give you this to read (Thanks to Laura for that one). It's probably not best to mention the BNP anywhere near me, unless you've got limbs you just don't need any more.
I'm voting Liberal Democrat, because I honestly believe them to be the "real alternative" - I'll not vote Labour because of Iraq and terror legislation and Order 4, although I do live in a Conservative stronghold, and hope for an Old Labour back-bench revolution. I still say we hold Blair down and make him read the back of his party membership card under the influence of Sodium Pentothal. Ideally, I'd want to see the Green Party in power, because they're easily the most radical leftist major party, but there's little chance of them getting in, and the two "main" parties seem so essentially dangerous that I can't risk letting either Scum ('Red')or Worse Than Scum (Blue) getting in.
Whatever you do, even if you vote for the Conservative Party Hate and Tax Cuts or spoil your ballot, vote for something: not because people died to allow you the right to vote, or because it's your duty, but because if you don't turn up, the fascists with metal plates in their heads will. It's not as if you can't protest by ballot-spoiling rather than be counted among the "apathetic", after all.
Warren Ellis just wrote on his BAD SIGNAL email journal: ...for God's sake, either vote or make bombs. If you're
incapable of either, then you don't get to have an
opinion on what happens after. Simple as that.

And I agree.

If you don't, tell me at or in the forums.
I'm listening.

THIS JUST IN: "We've done our best to serve our country" ~ T.Blair - on the news just now: In which case, if this is the best you can do, you can sod right off to whatever focus group spawned your centre-right fuckwittery, and satisfy your bizarre urges by chucking fireworks into a sandbox or something.

This idea pleases me muchly


Tomorrow we say goodbye to Sable "Indecent Exposure" X. Veins, Substance Abuser, Tramp Impersonator and co-inventor of Pocket Beer, who departs for six months to Utah, in order to sit around a replica Shakesperian town and play Madrigals on the lute. Of course, The Defendant claims that he'll continue to post on this website when he can, so it's not so much goodbye as it is "flangebaskets". Those of us currently retaining conciousness all wish him good luck. Good luck!

Sable "Specimen B." X. Veins. This is really what he looks like after a night on the piss. No joke.


P.S. I'll stop posting semi-sentimental claptrap and/or filler soon and write something real, I promise.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

New Forums

Some of the more observant readers may have noticed the new "Community" link on the sidebar on the right. I encourage everyone reading this to go and join these forums and tell us what you really think of us, post your own creative work, or just chat.

Go on, you might even like it.