Not that this needs more advertising...
But here's a link to Eclectech and Doghorse's ID Cards Song.
New culture injection at keyboardpoint + attack journalism + pop-culture analysis + drunken musing = [The Rhexis].
But here's a link to Eclectech and Doghorse's ID Cards Song.
Because I haven't posted anything here in a long time and I feel obliged to post something, here's a link:
Oh no.
It lay on the counter, a perfectly preserved vegetable mortality. Its petals crisp, brown and delicately formed. The eye was drawn, dragged towards it - a morbid microcosm on featureless formica. Jane looked at it, and though about how it must taste of white noise. The crackling static of death's crenellated reminder. Fragmenting curvaceously on the tongue. Jane had the sudden urge to run and fuck, but not in the reverse order. The bell and the badge kept her standing (static again), floating in the shop and the summer's heat - a still-liivng insect in sap yet to become amber.
This may be a load of wank, but it might also be quite good. It's meant to be a sort of Libertines/Clash homage, but unfortunately both my microphones have started to distort if I sing loudly on the other side of the room.
This will be an Internet First, I imagine, as I intend to write this post without once mentioning C**** F***.
I went to see a talk on H.G Wells the other day. It was a book launch of some description, and the event was a sort of presentation spotlit between a well-meaning but entirely charismaless chap whose name escapes me, Michael Foot, and China Miéville - both of whom were fantastically entertaining, especially the latter, who took obvious pleasure in getting to say the immortal line "...and so, with this story about killer squid, H.G. Wells predicted the First World War". For those of you who don't know: Michael Foot is a thousand years old, was given the gift of eternal life by Karl Marx himself at the Beginning of Time, and has "British Socialist" printed all the way through him, a bit like a stick of rock. If that stick of rock had met Gorbachev (of which more later) and led the Labour Party, that is. China Miéville has written several existential-surrealist novels of affecting and tragic beauty (which he has cunningly disguised as a fantasy trilogy with giant whales and anthropomorphic cacti), a treatise on international law, and stood in the last general election as a far-left candidate somewhere in London. (He's also a frighteningly sharp literary analyst and a brilliant raconteur. And no doubt a gourmet chef too). And these peopel were talking about H.G Wells, a man who (re?)invented the science-fiction novel, hung about with Bertrand Russell, met Lenin, met and argued furiously with Stalin, and also wrote respectable novels for the upper middle classes to enjoy over tea.
Franz Ferdinand vs Rasputina
Jimmy Page's discarded score for Lucifer Rising (scroll down for the mp3 download).
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