Dear The People
We can't apologise enough for the complete lack of content here over the past few months.
However, we have not been idle. Although they've been slowed by a traumatic computer crash, duodenum-splinteringly exciting new projects are on their way.
Not least:
* A 6-part radio comedy series, with sketches, music and funny noises to boot, entitled Rust
* A new Fearful Symmetries album, entitled The Apocalypse Tree. In the meantime, the Fearful Symmetries and their new recordings can be found here
* A vastly expanded [rhexisFEATURE] section containing the best of previous articles, and some new work that's not been posted here yet.
* Repeated references to David Cameron as "wee mad davie".
* Continued renovation and improvement of Rhexis services, including hopefully organising a streaming player for the [MUSIC] section.
* Something approaching regular, lucid content.
* A webcomic entitled "The New Adventures of Dracula".
IN THE MEANTIME, please feast your thinking-organs on two recent pieces, one about cameras and the other about fascists.
Be seeing you.