Monday, May 31, 2004

I was bored

so I made a dancing Satan.
I think.
It's all a bit fuzzy now...

"I bloody TOLD you what would happen if you left the toilet seat up again!" Posted by Hello

Huzzah! A new article.

Just got this: a piece by Sable. X. Veins entitled:

"... On the Role of the Humble Cigarette in the Maintenance of Diversity of Thought"

Hitler was one of the finest leaders Great Britain ever had.

The advancement of technology, class redefinition, and sociological ethos-shift from mindless, unquestionable Imperialism to more liberal, rationalising Pacifism engendered by two implausibly devastating wars shattered the unspoken Nationalist reasoning of a philosophically apathetic populace: "Heroes don't ask why."

My point is, the only surefire way of ensuring that systems of thought retain a creative level of mutability is by throwing a spanner in the works (excuse the cliché). If dissidents and nonconformists do not occupy themselves by opposing and occasionally smashing up majority-endorsed value sets, politics, art, and so on, how is it possible to continue the evolution and creation of new, different, hitherto minority-endorsed value sets, politics, art, et cetera? Even if these turn out to be negative, unworkable concepts -- Communism, as an example -- the very fact that they were allowed to hold sway, even for a little while, can force massive social and philosophical trend-shifts into motion. Without Communism, would we now have a Democratic Russia? How about a Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament?
Without Communism, would we now have the originally severely left-wing opposition to the long-established government predictabilities of the Tory and Whig parties? Spinning this web of What Ifs to its plausible limits, without Communism, would Iraq still exist under the free thought-oppressive régime of a certain abuser of the power of Religion?

Addictive, suicidal, antisocial -- smoking is just one of the many apparently unnecessary and somewhat petulant rebellions against the accepted norm. Once, it was held to be highly desirable, but has now been pushed into remission, as is right and proper in order to maintain... *fanfare* ...Diversity.

Maybe enough on the subjects of Cures for Cancer and, ironically, autodestructive social conformity, has been gained from it? Maybe. Although, by representing an unfashionable minority, it can yet help to maintain variety of thought.

Accept it, deny it, overcome it, but do not dismiss it. To dismiss the unfashionable minority is to dismiss any hope of change.

"Difference for the sake of Difference!" I hear critics cry -- but surely, so long as the Spanner of Change disrupts the Cogs of Establishment regularly enough to ensure variety and creativity, it does not matter what the motive of the Rogue Mechanic was? The type of unthinking acceptance of institutionalisation exhibited by PSHE class converts across the land, epitomised in the indoctrinated opinion "Nobody would want to date a smoker anyway", is but an historically well-known paradigm and a few plausibly supported propaganda arguments removed from the type of unthinking acceptance of institutionalisation exhibited by the morally irrational moronic crusaders who have fallen prey to "Democratic" government brainwashing...

Perhaps our purported Heroes of the Cause of Truth, Democracy and Western Monopoly should stop for a moment, stop by the next dissident, unfashionable minority for a cigarette, stop and ask, "Why?"

/Sable X. Veins

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Comments on things, and things.

Well, I did promise some more stuff for today, and here it is:
Having watched ER (as in, the American hospital drama, created my Michael Crichton, among others) for some time, I've begun to notice some trends within the program - it appears that the parallel universe in which the series is set (for it must be an alternate reality; where else would a slight upon a patient ensue in a vengeful tank rampage?) is controlled by a malevolent right-wing deity, determined to impose its values on a rather liberal cast of character.
This manifests itself mainly in the punishment by "acts of God" of those who transgress against a rather reactionary unspoken moral code. (as an aside, I want to point out that the comments below in no way represent my opinion, rather the apparent beliefs of the writers of the series.)
For example, in the last series alone, Dr. Carey was punished for her lesbianism, and, more topically, her marriage to her partner, by the death of said partner (a heroic firewoman, probably "lead astray" at some point), and the virtual abduction of their child by her wife's unsympathetic family.
Dr Carter, an otherwise "blameless" character; clearly Aryan and fresh-faced (and a multi-millionaire to boot), makes the mistake of falling in love with not only a black woman, but one who does not endorse the US' medical policies abroad with regard to AIDS in Africa. Moreover, she has a clearly European/British accent and is uncomfortably independent of the good doctor. To cut a convoluted plotline short, she eventually falls pregnant by Varter, but the pregnancy results in a miscarriage, in what seems like a punishment for so-called "miscegenation". There may seem to be little point to my rantings on this subject, but in my (admittedly warped) mind it strikes me as a rather worrying subliminal encroachment of neoconservative values in popular culture - often an excellent indicator of political climate, especially in high-profile U.S. television dramas.
Enough of my babblings. I'll go and find some more pretty pictures to deaden your brains with.

Good Morning All...

...or, more likely, whoever's listening.
Having finally got sick of editing an 8-page HTML document whenever I wanted to voice my opinions, I have finally relented and got myself a nice Blogger account. Therefore, readers can expect more updates, more frequently, and better archiving than my measly web design skills can provide.
In my absence, I have mainly been making photoshoppy type things at b3ta, which is fun, albeit life-eating. You can see some of my diseased imaginings at my MSN Group, which I have implemented because the lovely people at Freeservers won't let me remote link.
Hopefully coming soon: An article about the right-wing subtext in ER, and some lovely paintings...


Because I am kind and gentle, I've just realised that I have some nice pictures to put up here.
Unfortunately, they won't work here, as they are hosted by the magnanimous and munificent Freeservers once again, but I've stuck them on my MSN Group, so that all can wonder at my skills in the field, drawing and stuff.