On a different matter - Paul Goodman, local Conservative MP, or "Short, Gnome-like, Balding Twat!" as I like to call him has decided to use local moral and spiritual leader, headmaster and friend to all, Tim Dingle to advertise his election campaign. The campaign leaflet has a picture of Tim shaking the hand of Mr. Goodman in front of the RGS Main block, with the quote: Tim Dingle says: 'I'm backing Paul personally because he's the only candidate who wholeheartedly supports Bucks' excellent education system.' Is is morally right for Tim to use his position to advertise a Party, whether it be Labour, Conservative, or Other? I don't know, you decide and then we can get him in the Sunday Papers for misuse of his position - I suggest "The Guardian".
On a different matter - Paul Goodman, local Conservative MP, or "Short, Gnome-like, Balding Twat!" as I like to call him has decided to use local moral and spiritual leader, headmaster and friend to all, Tim Dingle to advertise his election campaign. The campaign leaflet has a picture of Tim shaking the hand of Mr. Goodman in front of the RGS Main block, with the quote: Tim Dingle says: 'I'm backing Paul personally because he's the only candidate who wholeheartedly supports Bucks' excellent education system.'
Is is morally right for Tim to use his position to advertise a Party, whether it be Labour, Conservative, or Other?
I don't know, you decide and then we can get him in the Sunday Papers for misuse of his position - I suggest "The Guardian".
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