The Parents' Television Council Are Talentless Hacks
Exhibit A
Oh, how witty! Of course, coming from a pro-censorship parents' association, they're basically biting themselves in the foot on that one. Somehow, those saviours of the media, the "Parents Television Council"* seemed to have failed to notice that it's their fault that their kids are playing M-Rated games. That's right, not the regulation organisations, who have clearly marked the game as Mature, but the parents too dense to work out what it is they're buying their children! You just try and get them to admit that, though.
But wait, what's this?
Could it be, a near identical comic from Penny Arcade, a gaming comic? Dating as far back as 2001? How coulr you betray us like this, "Parents Television Council"?
Be sure to tell Mr. Jerry Seltzer, the man behind these "comics", just what you think of this at
EDIT: Just to drive the point home, I thought I'd point out that Seltzer's "comic" is dated 2003.
*By the way chaps, it's "Parents'". Pity they never learned how to use an apostrophe.
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