Daily Express in "Minions of Evil" Shock Horror!

Hate. Mongering. Tossers.
And inaccurate ones at that. Only two of the suspects were on benefits anyway. Also, Islam is a religion, not a race.
I strongly encourage you to tell the mass-media fascist scums exactly what you think of them at expressletters@express.co.uk.
Nice letter, Veins.
Atoep: Freedom of speech laws? Because Rupert Murdoch's got the Government in his pockeet? Beats me as well, I'm afraid...
"Sent to the "/* at 16:50 MST...
That's the sum total of what I can see of Veins' post. Can anyone see it differently?
Sent to the Express at 00:00 GMT...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Firstly, the assertion made by your headline is incorrect. Only two of the London Underground bombers were on benefits, and it is a moot point whether or not this amounts to "spongeing". Therefore, it is surely erroneous to make such a statement as your headline, not only in the specific case, but also in the general; the sort of bombers is not specified, leading the reader to believe that not only Al-Qaeda, but also the IRA, the Unabomber and Guy Fawkes were dependent upon the British Welfare State. I would be fascinated to know the justification for a headline which is not, in fact, true in any recognised sense of the word. Secondly, it seems irresponsible in the extreme to run such a headline at a time of national crisis and paranoia: such an action seems calculated to provoke further tension and possible reprisals against the aforesaid "Spongeing Asylum Seekers". Which seems to have been interpreted by the (white, "non-sponging", non-asylum-seeking) public as meaning "people who look shifty and have darker skin than me". I put it to you, Daily Express, that you are a hate-mongering tabloid rag, seemingly bent on stirring up ill-directed hatred amongst the general public at a time when it is least needed. Failing that, simply ill-thought-out and badly written.
W.S. Black
And Vein's letter reads
"Dear Sir,
Re: Your article entitled "Bombers Are All Spongeing Asylum Seekers"
I sincerely hope you are able to recognise how absurdly ironic it is to incite hatred and fear through the media of unrepresentative bias ("Bombers Are ALL Spongeing Asylum Seekers"?) and inaccurate racial scapegoating (Islam is a religion, not a race) against those few abusers of the power of religion who were themselves brainwashed by a similar brand of cultural hate-mongering and incediary rhetoric.
S.X. Veins"
for those who inexplicably can't see it.
But standing next to the kiosk in which they are sold and shouting "POISON! POISON! GET YOUR RIGHT-WING MIND-POISON HERE!" counts as a wonderful expression of your right to freedom of speech.
Although I have the horrible feeling it might increase sales by confusing Daily Mail readers into buying the wrong paper.
Also, have you been sacked from lute-playing?
Both of your posts are full of this curious combination of characters: "/*
I hate this fact very much, oh yes.
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